Originally hailing from Omaha, Sebastian grew up in a musical family (his father a sax player and later a talent agent, his mother a singer). He started playing drums and singing at age 11, and from then on, knew what he wanted to do. Sebastian’s passion for jazz led him to New York, compliments of The National Endowment For The Arts. The next year, he headed to the opposite coast to make his fame and fortune in L.A., where he played professionally for 14 years. He then relocated to The Entertainment Capitol Of The World, Las Vegas, where he discovered his knack for doing “Frank”. With a dedication to perfecting the art of Sinatra, everything was in place and Sebastian began doing one corporate event after another. As word got out that there was a new ‘Chairman’ in town, he got the call to star in ‘The Tribute To The Rat Pack’ show on the Strip. This in turn led to his current show – headlining with Sharon Owens as Barbra Streisand in the wonderful “Barbra & Frank, The Concert That Never Was…” at the Riviera. Sebastian made his television debut as Sinatra in the summer of 2007 on the ABC hit show, “The Next Best Thing, Who Is The Greatest Celebrity Impersonator, where he came in 2nd to none other than Elvis!